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Service Innovation and Operations Management : A Capability Approach

  • ISBN-13
    978-89-6356-428-9 (93320)
  • 출판사 / 임프린트
    도서출판 에듀컨텐츠휴피아 / 도서출판 에듀컨텐츠휴피아
  • 정가
    20,000 원 확정정가
  • 발행일
  • 출간상태
  • 저자
  • 번역
  • 메인주제어
    경제, 재무, 비즈니스, 경영
  • 추가주제어
  • 키워드
    #서비스 기업 #서비스 기업의 운영 #제3차산업 #경제, 재무, 비즈니스, 경영 #Service Innovation #Operations Managemen #Capability Approach
  • 도서유형
    종이책, 무선제본
  • 대상연령
    모든 연령, 학술 전문서
  • 도서상세정보
    148 * 210 mm, 152 Page


In today's rapidly changing and competitive business environment, innovation capabilities and operations strategies are essential for business success. Innovation capabilities refer to a firm's ability to create new products, services, or processes that meet or exceed customer needs. Operations strategies, on the other hand, refer to the firm's approach to managing its production and delivery processes.


Innovation capabilities are becoming increasingly important as firms face increasing competition from new entrants and the rapid pace of technological change. Firms with strong innovation capabilities can develop new products and services that meet the needs of customers before their competitors do. This can give them a significant competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Operations strategies are also essential for business success. Firms with efficient and effective operations strategies can produce and deliver products and services at a lower cost and with higher quality. This can lead to increased profits and customer satisfaction.


Innovation capabilities and operations strategies are closely related. Firms with strong innovation capabilities are more likely to have efficient and effective operations strategies. This is because they are more likely to invest in research and development, which can lead to the development of new products and processes that can be produced and delivered more efficiently.


In today's business environment, innovation capabilities and operations strategies are essential for business success. Firms that invest in these areas are more likely to be successful in the long run.


Introduction  7

Chapter 1. What is Service?  21

Chapter 2. The Development of the Service Economy and Service-Dominant Logic  47

Chapter 3. Service Operations Strategy  57

Chapter  4. Service Operational Capability and Customer Experience  65

Chapter 5. Customer Experience  77

Chapter 6. What is Innovation?  89

Chapter 7. Service Innovation  99

Chapter 8. What is Service Resources?  115

Chapter 9. Physical Resources in Service  123

Chapter 10. Human Resources in Service  133

References  143






저자 : 조정은
조 정 은
경영학 박사
경성대학교 상경대학 경영학과 부교수
상단으로 이동