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  • ISBN-13
    979-11-6282-130-5 (93060)
  • 출판사 / 임프린트
    (주)서울경제경영출판사 / aSSIST University Press
  • 정가
    250,000 원 확정정가
  • 발행일
  • 출간상태
    출간 예정
  • 저자
    Dong-Sung Cho , Hwy-Chang Moon
  • 번역
  • 메인주제어
    연구 방법: 일반
  • 추가주제어
  • 키워드
  • 도서유형
    종이책, 양장
  • 대상연령
    모든 연령, 학술 전문서
  • 도서상세정보
    174 * 248 mm, 144 Page


IPS National Competitiveness Research 2024

“Strategic Insights to Enhance National Competitiveness”


Reports on national competitiveness often rank the same countries differently, which can confuse readers and make it challenging for government officials to develop practical policies.


These inconsistencies arise from the use of different methodologies and models. To address these challenges, this report introduces a new framework called the IPS Model. Based on an extended version of Michael Porter’s Diamond Model, the IPS Model offers a more comprehensive approach to understanding and improving national competitiveness, providing actionable insights for governments worldwide.


The tools and methods presented in this report are also applicable to industries and companies, offering both scholars and practitioners practical guidelines for enhancing competitiveness.


A key highlight of this year’s report is the comparative analysis of the United States and China, the world’s two largest economies. It explores their complex and competitive relationship while proposing strategies to foster collaboration and mutual growth. Additionally, the report provides recommendations for other nations impacted by the dynamics of US-China competition.


01    Highlights

02    Literature on National Competitiveness and A Case Study of the US-China Conflict with Implications for National Competitiveness 

03    Conceptual Framework and Analytical Methodologies 

04    Application of MASI: The Cases of the US and China 

05    Snapshot of Top 30 Economies 







저자 : Dong-Sung Cho
Chair Institute for Industrial Policy Studies (IPS)
Professor Emeritus Seoul National University
저자 : Hwy-Chang Moon
President aSSIST University
Professor Emeritus Seoul National University
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