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At Night, Listening to the Night of Destruction

  • ISBN-13
    979-11-5662-712-8 (04810)
  • 출판사 / 임프린트
    주식회사 아시아 / 주식회사 아시아
  • 정가
    10,000 원 확정정가
  • 발행일
  • 출간상태
  • 저자
  • 번역
  • 메인주제어
  • 추가주제어
  • 키워드
  • 도서유형
    종이책, 무선제본
  • 대상연령
    모든 연령, 성인 일반 단행본
  • 도서상세정보
    115 * 188 mm, 136 Page


k포엣 시리즈 39권 김명기 시인의 『멸망의 밤을 듣는 밤』 영문판

한국 시단의 전체 지형 안에서 매우 유니크한 힘을 갖추고 있는 사례_유성호 문학평론가


K-포엣 시리즈 39권으로 출간된 김명기 시인의 『멸망의 밤을 듣는 밤』의 영문판이다. 김명기 시인의 네 번째 시집 『멸망의 밤을 듣는 밤』이 K-포엣 시리즈 39권으로 출간되었다. 제37회 만해문학상을 받은 『돌아갈 곳 없는 사람처럼 서 있었다』 이후 2년 만이다. 지금 바로 이 세대를 살아가는 이들이 필연적으로 만나게 되는 분노와 침잠, 연민과 사랑의 감정 등을 김명기만의 시적 리듬을 통해 풀어낸다. 때로는 직설적인 목소리로 또 때로는 정제된 이미지로 그만의 서정성을 확립해나간다. 


Future Without a Future 


Evening News 

Discarding Shoes 

Edith Piaf 


At Night, Listening to Night of Destruction 

Himalayan Haeguk (Sea Chrysanthemum) 

White-Haired Madman 

Cutting a Donarium Cherry 

While I Am Thinking Of These Things 

High-Sea Watch 


While Quietly Pushing Away Sadness 

Heartbroken in Spring 


When Sadness Gathers Between the Sound of Rain and the Sound of Breathing 

The Year Zero, in Winter 

Land’s End 

The Work of Living 

Poet’s Note 

Poet’s Essay 


Praise for Kim Myoung Ki


 I always feel like I’m collecting new instances of unhappiness. Managing just barely to hold onto a time of ordeals, when one feels discarded, collapsing, and dismantled, I hold out. This collection of poems is also a record of an unhappiness with unknown directions. It contains prayers of please and tragedies of at last. What else could I do?

.From “Poet’s Note”


Kim Myoung Ki’s poems show exceptional strengths within the contemporary Korean poetic landscape. First, they depict characteristically vivid and powerful scenes of specific moments in our lives. Whether it’s the process of laboring, traces of his own family history, or moments of observing neighbors, his poems originate from the depth of the Korean language, embracing veracity and sincerity.

.Yoo Sungho (Literary Critic)




저자 : 김명기
Kim Myoung Ki made his debut as a poet when his poems were published in Sipyeong, a quarterly poetry magazine, in 2005. His publications include Che Guevara Met at the Bukpyeong Fair, Last-Stop Eatery, and Like a Person Without a Place to Return. He is the recipient of the 2022 Gosan Literature Grand Prize and the 2022 Manhae Literature Prize.
번역 : 전승희
Jeon Seung Hee is a literary scholar and critic as well as a leading translator of Korean literature. Her research interests include modern and contemporary Korean literature and culture, and she has published articles on war trauma, memories, and truths. Her translations include the 2016 Man Booker Prize-winning novelist Han Kang’s Convalescence (2013) and Bang Hyeonseok’s fiction Time to Eat Lobster (2016), which was selected for “75 Notable Translations of the Year” by World Literature Today, as well as Shaheen Akhtar’s The Search, which won the 3rd Asian Literature Award in 2020. She has been honored with a Fulbright Grant, a Korea Foundation Fellowship, and two Daesan Foundation Translation grants. Based in both Boston and Seoul, she is an associate professor in Korean at Boston College.
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