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Geugang Samadhi Sutra theory

  • ISBN-13
    979-11-968577-5-2 (03120)
  • 출판사 / 임프린트
    연화문 / 연화문
  • 정가
    18,000 원 확정정가
  • 발행일
  • 출간상태
    출간 예정
  • 저자
    작자미상 작자미상
  • 번역
  • 메인주제어
    마음, 신체, 영혼: 사상과 실습
  • 추가주제어
  • 키워드
    #마음, 신체, 영혼: 사상과 실습
  • 도서유형
    종이책, 무선제본
  • 대상연령
    모든 연령, 성인 일반 단행본
  • 도서상세정보
    210 * 297 mm, 197 Page


1. Overview

In this sutra, the Buddha explains the truth of the One Vehicle in response to questions from various Bodhisattvas and monks. It consists of 1 volume. Sanskrit name is VajrasamandDhi Suhtra, and the Tibetan name is Rdo rje.ḥand youṅṅIt isḥdsin gyi chos kyi is the best.

The Vajrasamadhi-sutra is the reconstructed Sanskrit title of a Buddhist sutra ascribed to Shakyamuni Buddha but produced in Korea under the name Kumgang sammae kyong (Chinese: 金剛三昧經; pinyin: Jīngāng sānmèi jīng; Japanese: Kongō sanmaikyō), or the Adamantine Absorption Sutra. Although it was originally believed to have been a Chinese translation from a Sanskrit text, scholars have recently found that it was produced in Korea in about 685 CE and that it may be connected with the emergence of Seon in Korea._Wikipedia


According to Buswell, the Vajrasamadhi-sutra is thought to be an apocryphal scripture written by a Korean monk around 685 CE.[2][3][4] Hagiograpic accounts claim a supernatural origin for the text: when a Silla king sent an envoy to China in order to find medicine for his sick queen, the party was taken to bottom of the sea by a dragon king who entrusted the text to them, saying the text should be arranged by the unknown monk Taean and commented on by Wonhyo. In reality the text was likely connected with the emergence of Seon in Korea, and if this is the case it would be only the second known Korean text in this tradition. Wonhyo wrote a commentary on the text shortly after its production called the Kumgang sammaegyong non in which he speculates that it may have been the inspiration for the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana, which was in fact written over a hundred years earlier. The text includes quotations of Bodhidharma, who lived in the 6th century CE, and references to the East Mountain Teachings of Daoxin and Hongren, both of whom lived in the 7th century. The aim of the text appears to be the synthesis of newly introduced Chan Buddhism with already established Huayan Buddhism._Wikipedia


The Adamantine Absorption Sutra presents itself as a fusion of all pre-existing Mahayana ideas with the Vinaya precepts that work together to give a complete system of Buddhist meditation. The aim of the text appears to be the synthesis of Chan Buddhism, which had just been introduced to Korea, with already established Huayan Buddhism. The text includes quotations of Bodhidharma and references to the East Mountain Teachings of Daoxin and Hongren. The author may have been attempting to fuse these disparate Chan traditions. The text also includes elements of the philosophy from the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana, specifically the notion of one mind that has an aspect of true thusness on the one hand and arising/ceasing on the other._Wikipedia


  1. outline
  2. Establishment and Korean translation
  3. Commentaries and translations
  4. Structure and content 1

Main scene 4

  1. Ordination
  2. Free legal products
  3. non-living goods
  4. Bongakri product
  5. Check-in product
  6. Jinseong Artwork
  7. Tathagata ornaments
  8. Total 5

Discourse of the original sutra

Geumgang Samadhi Sutra theory

  1. Describing the cause [述大意]
  2. Explaining the end of the sutra [辨經宗]
  3. Interpreting the title [釋題目]
  4. scriptures
  5. Free legal products
  6. non-living goods
  7. Bongakri product
  8. Check-in product
  9. Jinseong Artwork
  10. Tathagata ornaments
  11. Total goods


According to Buddha's teachings, anyone can become a Buddha. In other words, whether something is born from the womb, from an egg, from moisture, or from nowhere, all can attain Buddhahood.

‘All living things can become Buddha’ [一切衆生 悉有佛性]. The moment we embody this fact with our whole body, beyond our head and heart, we become mindful. ‘Balsim’ is the first step toward a qualitative change in life. In other words, it is to arouse the mind to gain ‘enlightenment’ [發菩提心]. In other words, it is to arouse the mind to obtain ‘unparalleled and equal correct enlightenment’ [發阿耨多羅三貌三菩提心]. For Buddhists, Balsim is the driving force of life and the reason for existence. If the mind becomes the reason for existence, we will have no choice but to practice. That is why the scriptures recommend that you practice it right away.

In 『Mahyayanagi Theism』, “If any sentient being develops correct faith in the very deep realm of the Tathagata and wishes to be free from slander and enter the great path of Buddhism, he or she should use this field to meditate and practice, and then he or she will reach the end of impermanence. “We will be able to reach the Tao,” he says. In other words, if you want to gain insight into the Tathagata's self-indulgence, develop correct faith, and enter the Mahayana path, you must think, understand, practice, and learn with this treatise, which is a textbook of Mahayana Buddhism. Bunhwang Wonhyo further explains that he is recommending immediate practice. If you do that, you will reach the best path.

Bunhwang emphasizes that this represents superior profits. Also, in 『Non』, it is explained, “If a person does not show a timid mind after hearing this Dharma, then this person will definitely succeed the Buddha’s seed and become a mantra to all Buddhas.” Bunhwang explains this passage by distinguishing between those who start practicing right away and those who fail to do so. He divides it into the superiority of the result obtained as a superior benefit and the superiority of the person who practices it. For those who cannot do so, we have no choice but to recommend it because of the benefits.

Again, in 『Non-Confucius』, “Even if a person enlightens all living beings in the three thousand great heavenly worlds and makes them practice ten good deeds, it is not as if someone were to think of this law during a single meal. “This is because it is superior to the previous merits and virtues and can be compared to them.”

Bunhwang interprets this verse, which reveals the greatness of the blessings received by believing, as revealing the greatness of the blessings one receives just by thinking about it during a meal. Next, in 『Non』, it is said, “If a person accepts this 『Kisinron』 and observes and practices it for one day and one night, the merits he will have will be inexhaustible and endless, so indescribable.” Bunhwang interprets this verse as showing that there is no limit to the merits of practicing one day and one night.

In 『Non』, “If any sentient being slanders and does not believe in this 『Gishism』, the consequences of his sin will be great suffering for countless eons. Therefore, sentient beings should only look up to believe, and should not slander, because they will deeply harm themselves and also harm others, severing the seed of all the Three Jewels, and all Tathagatas will attain nirvana through this law, and all “Because of this, the Bodhisattva practices and enters Buddhahood.”

Regarding this passage that reveals the seriousness of the sin of slandering this treatise, Bunhwang 1) reveals the seriousness of the sin of slandering, 2) encourages it, 3) explains the meaning of the seriousness of the sin, and 4) is the seed of the Three Jewels. It was said that the meaning of cutting off was further explained. In 『Non』, Bunhwang viewed the phrase as providing evidence for the phrase, “Bodhisattvas of the past, present, and future have also achieved pure faith through this law.” In addition, Bunhwang concludes and interprets the phrase “all living beings should study diligently” in 『Non』 by recommending that students study.




저자 : 작자미상
Graduated from the Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences, Chonnam National University
Graduated from the Master's course in Biomedical Engineering, Catholic University College of Medicine, Graduate School
Obtained a Doctor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Catholic University College of Medicine Graduate School
2007-2013: Senior researcher, Biomedical Engineering Research Institute, Graduate School, Catholic University College of Medicine
2012-2013: Post Doctorial Fellowship, Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine
2013-2014: Research Professor, Image-Based Lung and Bone Disease Research Center, Wonkwang University
2015-2018: Professor, Education Committee, Korea Character Creativity Education (Co., Ltd.)
Worked at North West Airlines (Gimpo Airport International Terminal)
Working at Asiana Airlines Co., Ltd.
Worked at KBAS (Korea Business Air Serv ice (private airplane sales and operation; Canadian company))
Obtained a flight manager certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FA) at the Sheffield School of Aeronautics in Florida, USA.
Worked as a contract worker (English interpreter) in the Tourism Department of the Culture and Tourism Bureau at Seoul Metropolitan Government
invention patent
⊙ Phantom for magnetic resonance spectroscopy performance evaluation using magnetic resonance imaging equipment (10-0623090 Korea Intellectual Property Office)
⊙ Method for measuring biochemical changes in skin tissue using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Patent Registration No. 10-0680699)
⊙ Phantom for evaluation MRS performance. (European application number 07 103 704.8/Japanese application number 2007-058850)
⊙ Development of a Cone-Shape Phantom for Multi-Vox el MR Spectroscopy ,(유럽특허번호: 07103704.8-2209)
⊙ Phantom for evaluation MRS performance. (US Patent registration date 2008-08-05, US Patent No. 7,408,354)
⊙ Magnetization transfer rate image processing method and device for diagnosing knee joint disease (Korean Patent Application No. 10-2010-0079871)
⊙ Diagnosis method for Parkinson's disease by quantitative measurement of brain metabolites using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Korean Patent Registration No. 10-1081358)
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