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  • ISBN-13
    979-11-968577-9-0 (03220)
  • 출판사 / 임프린트
    연화문 / 연화문
  • 정가
    12,000 원 확정정가
  • 발행일
  • 출간상태
    출간 예정
  • 저자
  • 번역
  • 메인주제어
    불교: 신앙생활
  • 추가주제어
    종교 및 믿음 , 불교
  • 키워드
    #불교경전 #자기개발 #불교: 신앙생활 #종교 및 믿음 #불교
  • 도서유형
    종이책, 무선제본
  • 대상연령
    모든 연령, 성인 일반 단행본
  • 도서상세정보
    182 * 257 mm, 115 Page


Vimalakīrti (Sanskrit: विमल vimala "stainless, undefiled" + कीर्ति kīrti "fame, glory, reputation") is the central figure in the Vimalakirti Sutra,[1] which presents him as the ideal Mahayana Buddhist upāsaka ("lay practitioner")[2] and a contemporary of Gautama Buddha (6th to 5th century BCE).[1] There is no mention of him in Buddhist texts until after Nāgārjuna (1st century BCE to 2nd century CE) revived Mahayana Buddhism in India.[3] The Mahayana Vimalakirti Sutra also spoke of the city of Vaisali[4] as where the lay Licchavi bodhisattva Vimalakirti was residing.  

Main article: Vimalakirti Sutra

The Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra characterizes Vimalakīrti as a wealthy patron of Gautama Buddha.[6] Unlike many other figures of the Mahayana literature, such as Avalokiteśvara, he is generally taken to be a historical figure like Gautama Buddha, rather than mythic or legendary, and as such Vimalakīrti is not commonly venerated on altars or in tantric rituals,[7] but as a prehistoric zen, i.e., chan preacher.



Vimalakirti Nirdesha Sutra - Jung Ho YoonB5
The Teachings of Vimalakirti
Origin and Brief History
The Storyline
Seven Themes
Purification of the Buddha-Field
Inconceivable Skill in Liberative Technique
The Disciples' Reluctance to Visit Vimalakirti
The Reluctance of the Bodhisattvas
The Consolation of the Invalid
The Inconceivable Liberation [Thrones]
The Goddess
The Family of the Tathagatas
The Dharma-Door of Nonduality
The Feast Brought by the Emanated Incarnation
Lesson of the Destructible and the Indestructible
Vision of the Universe Abhirati and the Tathagata Aksobhya
Epilogue - Antecedents and Transmission of the Holy Dharma
Practicing with the Vimalakirti Sutra
Antecedents and Transmission of the Holy Dharma






기획 : 작자미상
Graduated from the Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences, Chonnam National University
Graduated from the Master's course in Biomedical Engineering, Catholic University College of Medicine, Graduate School
Obtained a Doctor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Catholic University College of Medicine Graduate School
2007-2013: Senior researcher, Biomedical Engineering Research Institute, Graduate School, Catholic University College of Medicine
2012-2013: Post Doctorial Fellowship, Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine
2013-2014: Research Professor, Image-Based Lung and Bone Disease Research Center, Wonkwang University
2015-2018: Professor, Education Committee, Korea Character Creativity Education (Co., Ltd.)
Worked at North West Airlines (Gimpo Airport International Terminal)
Working at Asiana Airlines Co., Ltd.
Worked at KBAS (Korea Business Air Serv ice (private airplane sales and operation; Canadian company))
Obtained a flight manager certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FA) at the Sheffield School of Aeronautics in Florida, USA.
Worked as a contract worker (English interpreter) in the Tourism Department of the Culture and Tourism Bureau at Seoul Metropolitan Government
invention patent
⊙ Phantom for magnetic resonance spectroscopy performance evaluation using magnetic resonance imaging equipment (10-0623090 Korea Intellectual Property Office)
⊙ Method for measuring biochemical changes in skin tissue using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Patent Registration No. 10-0680699)
⊙ Phantom for evaluation MRS performance. (European application number 07 103 704.8/Japanese application number 2007-058850)
⊙ Development of a Cone-Shape Phantom for Multi-Vox el MR Spectroscopy ,(유럽특허번호: 07103704.8-2209)
⊙ Phantom for evaluation MRS performance. (US Patent registration date 2008-08-05, US Patent No. 7,408,354)
⊙ Magnetization transfer rate image processing method and device for diagnosing knee joint disease (Korean Patent Application No. 10-2010-0079871)
⊙ Diagnosis method for Parkinson's disease by quantitative measurement of brain metabolites using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Korean Patent Registration No. 10-1081358)
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