June is a beautiful Two Hand caster. His casting is effortless, consistent, and confident. I am very excited about his new book and am proud of his efforts. -몰리 세메닉, FFI 캐스팅 시험준비위원회
June is an excellent fly caster and teacher. His book will give you insights into the world of casting two hand rods and lines, as well as into June’s kind and thoughtful teaching style.
-릭 윌리엄스, FFI 캐스팅 시험준비위원회
.....the author of the book was a model pupil during his training visits to Scotland, he fully understood the benefits, effectiveness and efficiency created when performing the “Incline Cast” then incorporated it fully into his casting disciplines. This change of technique effectively propelled him to become the most successful caster in Asia within a very short period of time.
-제임스 차머스, 스페이 캐스팅 세계 챔피언